Friday, February 1, 2013


I also have been ordering parts lately and a few of them came in.

That is the battery pack and charger for my Turnigy 9x that is shipping from in China.  I don't know a lot about R/C yet, but everything I have read says the Turnigy is a good solid inexpensive radio that you can build off of.  It is a 9 channel radio so it should give me plenty of options for R2.  Hopefully it will be here next week so I can start playing with it and maybe tinkering with it.

Also something else fun showed up at my door by the big brown truck.

 It's Crash's fiberglass Gen 2 skirt.  I must say that Crash does excellent work. I was going to attempt this myself, but after getting his dome and seeing the pictures of the skirt he offered I told myself to just go on and buy his and I am glad I did.

I also got my 'Rockler' Bearing from Mcmaster-Carr at about 5-10 bucks cheaper than Rockler.

It is the same size as the rockler and the same color and shape so I figured I couldn't go wrong with saving a little money on it.

Anyway that is all for today, hopefully I will get the notches sanded and the legs glued up this weekend and I will have another update.

Legs and Parts

It has been a while since I made a post so I figured I should show that I have not been idle.

I started back to work on the legs to get them glued up and fitted to the frame.  Eddie chiseled the notches in the legs for me while I watched and made sure I didn't pass out if he went all the way through.

 But he didn't mess up and they came out really nice I think. 
I spent a little time on the center sections with the band saw and cut out the middle and the notches on those easily.

So the notches are finished and after some sanding to clean it up a bit they will be ready to glue up.

On another note I worked on the leg hubs while Eddie was cutting the notches in the legs.  lots of lines and drilling later and I have this as the result.

So those are good to go I went ahead and routed them down to the appropriate 6.25" they are supposed to be and everything is good to go except the hole in the middle to run the wires through but I will do that later.