Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Last night I didn't have very much time but I was able to put the skins on the frame and line up where the legs will attach.

Yes that is my dining room table but right now it is an R2 work bench.  It is a bit messy and I will be in trouble for showing it like that but that is how R2 looks today.

More to the point I was going to use the gas pipe method for attaching the legs, but after buying all the parts that I now get to take back, I found SteveWs method for attaching his legs via a nice template he designed which leaves all that precious space inside your droid for electronics and 6 packs of beer at the con etc etc.

Anyway that is the method I will probably go with.  I will post more on that later when I actually do it.

So again if you are reading this thank you and glad you have read my catch up posts up to this point.  But as of today, 1-15-13 this is a current blog, yay me.

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